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My hodgepodge pages

(since a couple of you asked)


I’m all nasally because of wildfire smoke at the moment, so I sound kind of like Kermit the Frog with a headcold.

Also, I have no idea how to do video, really, so this is completely just a raw, one-take kind of thing. Like if you facetimed me without warning. I didn’t even bother changing out of my pajamas1.

That said, here’s a look at those conglomerate collaged-up pages that I cut up and sew into pages for the magpie books.

If you don’t want to listen to my babble, here’s some non-moving photos instead:

For reference, that smaller page that’s already sewn is about 16” wide and 12”-ish tall.

I literally use everything in these. Vintage book pages, kid-book illustrations, stationery bits, old postcards and photos, bits of ripped up artwork I hated, and dyed writing and drawing papers. A few of J’s boarding passes even got sewn in this time around.

Basically, if it sits still, it gets glue-sticked into one of these.

If it lays mostly flat, it’s fair game.

And a few unsolicited book pics:

A basket full of folded pages, ready to be sewn into covers.

The covers in question. This is all Reader’s Digest Condensed book covers that I’ve collected from every garage sale and library book sale out there. They’re awaiting some of the sliced-and-sewn hodgepodge pages to fill them up a bit more.

It’s a little dark in this corner, but this box contains 40-some-odd reclaimed textiles sewn into traveler’s notebook sized book covers. It’s my favorite size for this kind of sketchbooking/gluebooking, so I’ve got a few more of these than the hardcovers.

So, like I said….

This is why I’ve been a little quiet.

Nerditude, that’s why.

I’m starting to cut up the hodgepodge pages now, and I’m making the little collages for the covers, and then this bit’s done and I should probably surface for a while to recover from the deep dive2.

I’d show you the clay, but it’s still in the bucket outside, refusing to settle out of the water, and the sky just started to sprinkle. I’ll get a photo of that when I pull the actual clay out of the pillowcase3.

Hope that satisfies the need to see what I awkwardly explained yesterday. (Awkward’s pretty much my default state at the moment anyway.). If you have any other questions or want closer looks or whatever, just let me know and if I know the answer, I’ll totally reply. :)


Make sure to look presentable, since every impression counts, the marketing people say. Blah blah blah. Here’s me babbling in my pj’s.


This, however, is not guaranteed. I found this tutorial for making six little book-related things out of one piece of scrapbook-style paper, and immediately bought a laminating machine (a cheap one), and five stacks of 12x12” paper, because I do not do things half-way.


For the record: that’s how it’s hung to drain the rest of the water out of it. I’m not just randomly pouring mudwater into pillows for some reason. Though I’ve done weirder things, I suppose.

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