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in which we have some Sunday Calm

sponsored by Spring in the Pacific Northwest

Today, I put Porkchop in the car and we went rockhounding. With an actual hound. I know. It’s like, meta and junk.

But this is where we ended up. If Porkchop hadn’t decided to dive into the water like the crazy dog he is, we’d still be there.

We were working on recall, and I’m proud to report that 90+% of the time, he’s on it. If there is, however, some kind of woodland critter screaming at him, it takes him a moment to remember that “come” means “come” and does not mean “check out this squirrel until you decide to be a goodest boi”.

He is in love with the car and loves doing this:

Those ears are incorrigible.

We ended up with rocks. Quite a few of them, given that we were playing the how far away can I get and still be in Mom’s line of sight game…and the ooh, swimming is FUN game.

all the pretty rocks. At least one is red jasper, one is petrified wood, and the scientific name for the rest is “Really Pretty Rock Thing”.

And because this doesn’t show the colors as well as they look in person, check out that middle row, first one. In the sun, it looks like this:

I couldn’t get it to stop focusing on my fingers. But you get the gist.

Not bad for before-noon on a Sunday, if I do say so myself.

Any day with waterfalls, though…get a +2 to Awesome1.

Hope you’re all having a fantastic weekend!


p.s. I don’t know why Substack is trying to give the video a transcript. There aren’t words. It’s just WHOOOOOOOOOOOSH for 22 seconds.

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