You agree to the terms of service below, and the Terms of Use for Substack, the technology provider.

This is my new home.

On the web, at least. As such, when you’re here, you’re in my living room. This means there are some ground rules:

  1. Be nice. I mean it. If you’re mean to me or someone else, your comments will be removed. There are plenty of places on the internet to be snarky or argumentative; this is not one of them. I have a zero-tolerance jerk policy.

  2. No politics. We don’t do that here, either. Even if I agree with you. This isn’t the place for it. We can get frothy about what a taco is (is it a sandwich? I THINK NOT.), but don’t even with the political circus.

  3. Promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate. This is one of my core philosophies. I still bitch sometimes (FedEx makes my eye twitch, for instance…), and sometimes, a little kvetching is good for the soul. But for the most part, instead of complaining, do try to say what you do like instead of what you don’t.

  4. No unasked-for advice, please. I know your hearts are in the right place, but whether it’s for me or for another commenter, unless I/they specifically ask for advice, don’t give it. There’s nothing more irritating than having someone tell you for the four hundred and thirteenth time that your depression would get better if you’d just eat more kale.

  5. I ABSOLUTELY WANT TO SEE YOUR DOG PICTURES. I will never say no to a pet photo. Ever. This also applies to a cool thing you found on the internet, a thing you’re really passionate about, or something you made. Other people’s joy is friggin’ contagious.

I reserve the right to remove any comments that don’t follow these guidelines, but honestly, it rarely comes up. I’ve found that the best humans tend to find me and for that — for you — I’m totally grateful.

Welcome to the chaos. I’m glad you’re here.