Aug 29·edited Aug 29

I admit to being one of those people who doesn't stay in touch outside social media. But it's not because I find people convenient or not convenient--it's because I suck at staying in touch, and social media reminds me there are people out there I like/love, and then I remember to say Hi.

I've been following you since your L&V days, and I'm happy with whatever it is you choose to put out there as content.

I rarely waste time reading comments on things I like or love. There are always going to be those who yuck someone's yum, and if I like it, who cares? That said, those comments can be useful (with some sifting) if I'm trying to figure out if I want to buy, say, a babushka costume for a dog.

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I will admit to walking back through your post to see if there was a Porkchop inna babushka image that I missed. Then I realized it was in my mind's eye, because You Have Done That Before. :-)

Social media is a beast I also wrangle with. This week I've been losing. Next week, perhaps, I'll do better. And you are rocking it. Keep thinking your thoughts.

(Also, my husband goes to BBC for the news about the US. It's a little more balanced/less hyperbolic, you can ignore comments, and there's news about world events we don't seem to get in the home grown places. Me, I get my news from him.)

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I know this is better for your mental health, but I do miss your fun posts on FB. (The Substack app on my phone *finally* let me log all the way in…. Maybe I can actually reply more often now)

Does it help to know I think of you every time I drive down to Portland? We’ve been crossing the Columbia at Kelso and taking 30 then Cornelius Pass to Beaverton more often, so I especially think of you then! I think it would be fun to actually meet in person one of these trips! 😄

There are things I don’t like about FB, but I don’t like a lot of the other consolidated options for following friends. After Twitter imploded, it feels like people scattered to too many platforms for my brain to keep track of. On the other hand, as I see fewer posts where my friends talk about real life happenings, I also find myself posting less. (Also, this year has been really complicated and I don’t have a lot of fun and travel and art projects and baked goods to share. Also, part of my news isn’t my story to tell and talking around the other story is hard. It’s easier to share memes that made me laugh)

I miss LJ and matching avatar pics to my mood and figuring out how to host pics and link to them and have generally having more control over who I was following and what I was reading. I miss the randomness of Twitter and the “WTF did I just read?!?” and goofy stories from authors that made me laugh until I cried.

I’m also really glad we didn’t have social media when I was a kid and teen. My bad poetry and slightly depressive rants are locked away in a journal instead of the undead forever life of internet posts.

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I have missed your posts probably more than most. I loved the glimpse into your world and your art that went with it. I would say Substack feels odd to me. I don’t “get” it but I seen your email and when I see it I try to see what you are doing here. It just isn’t a stop I make normally. No one but you, that I know of, uses this. But I don’t want you to think you are r worth it. I’m just an old dog and no new tricks in my bag. I’ve been on less socially myself. Focusing on self-care after a rough year in hip replacementville! Also grandmahood has been distracting too. I wanted to take the moment to say I’m happy you are doing what’s best for you and not swimming, or flowing in the social stream of bipolar chaos! It’s so triggering. I truly wish we never had this technology. It’s entertaining but when I realize how long it’s been since I’ve read a book, done normal outside of the phone being in my hand behavior it’s inconceivable. Just know out of site isn’t out of mind. I miss you my friend!

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I feel just about every bit of this post. You were one of my favourite people on FB, and now you’re one of my favourite people here. It’s not as convenient as the Zuckerverse, but some things are more important than convenience. 🙂

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Oh good grief. Another issue with this place! I wrote out most of a reply but wanted to see the comments here, so opened them. And all my comment went away. Bloody hell!

I DO read all your emails as they come in, and appreciate them, but don't often reply, for several reasons, alas. In part, I spend too much time on social media already, and smaller, shorter, bite-size posts I can respond to as I have time work better for me. Yours are often long and have a lot of different parts...and I don't always find the part I want to reply to.

In this case I just want to assure you but it's not a lack of interest in YOU but the awkwardness and overwhelm of this particular format...sorry! Fingers hurt, I'm good for a quick response these days, often having to use talk to text.

I miss the interaction of social media...conversations that arise in comment sections bith other responders. You've had some interesting folk! I think you were more likely to respond to individual comments, too...this doesn't feel like a two-way street.

I'm afraid to go back and see if there was anything else I needed to respond to, I'd probably lose all of THIS, too. Sigh.

So yeah, I'm also dealing with a new format in my Druid order, and it's even more awkward and comples. So I'm not as active anywhere...it's not you!

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I feel every bit of your social media pros and cons deeply in my soul but mostly I am glad the personal side of my life is less on FB. I was spending way too much time screeching at town lunatics. That time is much better spent cutting and pasting. I'm really happy to see you in this space and was reminiscing about that fun day we got to meet at the yarn shop in Asheville. I'm just tipping my toes in on Substack ...and of course as soon as I start to, I get too busy to actually write, but I plan to as I used to...I crave those old livejournal days.

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We just got back from five days in Michigan and the amount I didn’t use my phone for social media was amazing. (I used it for so many freighter pictures. I miss Lake Huron and the rivers). The bird app being ruined by Elmo cut a lot of my socials time down. I appreciate 21st century ability to keep in touch with my friends around the country and world though :)

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I think of you every time I look around my kitchen and sit at my pc. Missing you tons! If I didn't need social media stuff for work, I'd be less inclined to use it. I love it when I set down my phone and go do something else and it's hours before I remember it.

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Well, I do love you and all of your words and ideas! All of it, the swamp land honesty too. Please consider me to be a friend.

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Where would I be without social media? Well, my 401K probably wouldn’t be what it is now, since I spent over 11 years as a social media specialist for a major retailer. I also would not have met many of my friends, some of which we gathered annually IRL for a number of years. We still stay in touch via social & email and they are some of my dearest friends. I also would not have known about many of the art-related conventions and retreats that I’ve attended throughout the years. As with most everything in life, it’s all about balance.

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