Duuuude.... i got hit with the pacNW variant of the crawling crud and it's week three linger.

And hella, I'm all about TOASTY JESUS! BRING ON THE MERCH. :) ahem, gonna snag my copy bow.

I miss your face, we need to hang after we're like all better.


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Ugh...I've heard the creeping crud is particularly cruddy this year. Hope your white blood cells kick the crap out of it soonest!

And YES PLEASE. All I do right now is pack and pout so as soon as you're better, let's make plans. :D

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Thank you! I am really sick of my breathing system not being able to intake ALL the clean air we get over here.

Yay for plans. I'm also pouting about the impending move. 🫂

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