Larry's fixing tacos for din din tonite. If you drive 350 miles to Medford in the next 3 hours, you can join us! PS...I totally get the I don't wanna move again. I am 79 next month. I plan to die here in the Pac. NW, because:

#1..hate heat and can't do it.

#2..see #1

#3. . No more packing. But, I have been destashing for the past 10 years. Still plenty to go.

#4..see #1..plus I adore the ocean and cold water and rain, (when we get it down here). Plus our son and 2 grands are in Seattle area, and other grand, her hubby and 1 (plus 8 months preggo) great grandsons are in Boise area. We are perfect distance for travel.

#5..I am always a brat. You are a perfect delight. I will uphold you in my non-brat good thoughts!

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100% plot twist, like Shyamalan-style. And while it most certainly does suck huge, I'm kinda excited for you for the adventure. And you are slowly inching toward where I am, and I may be inching closer that way. Either way, Texas isn't going to know what hit them. ha I've no doubt you will be okay, but a lot of this resonates so my heart is with you. Big love. XXOO

Your bratty kid can hang out with mine. ha

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I don't love where I live, and ironically after 36 moves in 61 years, this is the place I have lived the longest. I've lived here twice, because once was not enough, apparently. There are a lot of reasons I don't like it here mostly related to my health, love of privacy, and hatred of winter, but I am here and unless I can figure out how to make enough money to move, I have to do my best to embrace it. Moving, especially the kind of move you are making, is a major life shift. It is overwhelming, even for someone who has done it as often as I have. You are allowed to mourn the loss of the home that you love and to feel unmoored and upset. Maybe give yourself a little grace and let yourself feel what you feel. Eventually those feelings will pass and you'll find ways to make the new home work for you. We've turned our little yard into a pollinator paradise and decorated our apartment with whimsy and color, and that helps.

You're going to be okay, my friend. I promise. xoxo.

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I somehow missed the "why" of your move, but I'm so sorry it's not what you want and that it's causing all of this stress and sadness. :(

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I relocated from the PNW to Texas for a while, and while I didn't have a particularly good time while I was there, there are things that were pleasant! HEB tortillas, for one, and car washes where someone runs your car through the wash and then a small army descends upon your car to wash the windows and vacuum and stuff for another. (I miss the car washes so much.) The bats are cool and there are fireflies in the summer. Get a neck fan and stock up on mosquito repellent.

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Brava, lady. You have the right of this. A change of perspective changes EVERYTHING.

I cannot wait to hear what odd and quirky things you find in Texas. I mean, I WILL wait, because I gotta, but I definitely look forward to it.

(For example, there's a state park, Goose Island, about 2.5 hours from San Antonio on the Gulf of Mexico. It's not all desert out there. I promise.)

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And where's the Iron Lady??

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Soooo much sympathy even if that's not really helpful. But dammit, I GET it! Augh.

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