We need PICTURES!!!

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Aug 23Author

I'll take a bunch more as things start coming together. :). (Right now, it's just a collection of component parts.)

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But falling down the rabbit hole can be so much fun and even productive sometimes.

I can't remember the last time I did either lol

Those look fun and fabulous. I keep coming up with ideas (after seeing something) and then buy the stuff for said thing(s). And then....crickets. I'm going to just blame the heat we had and that's that :)

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Aug 28Author

Saaaame. I figure I've got an internal To-Do rolodex and I just have to wait until I make it a full circle rotation through all the other obsessions before I get back to the Thing. Some things just jump the line, though. :D

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I'm ADD and it's the same way with my daughter and I. Hyper focus is indeed a super power. And the BER months magnify it for me. I'm about to go supernova creatively. I always do this time of year.

Everything looks beautiful. I wish you lived closer, our next Two Crows Fall Market is this weekend. You need to come visit and be a guest artist. XXOO

Keep obsessing over paper with me. ha

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Aug 28Author

SAME, with the BERs. Unless it's not very hot in the summer. Then it's a little earlier (like this year, at the end of July-ish). The heat just saps my will to live and delays everything. :D

I wish I could come to the market! It's about damn time we got to hang out in person.

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One zillion zillion percent. OUR next show as Two Crows will be Dec 1st. I'll be doing other shows before then as Renmeleon. If you COULD come, you'd have crash space, transportation, and food. Plus studio play time. Just bring yourself and pack light.

...or you can come in January for Wassail Tour. We go to about 9 houses, sing to get in, eat/drink/merry all the things, then party at the last one. ha

Either way there's good food, good company, and fun.

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Aug 25Liked by em

OMG--I so identify with this. Not only the hyperfocus, but the two scenarios of the dopamine wearing off, or investigating/working on something and forgetting to wear pants (which causes some consternation at work, let me tell you).

Glad to hear you're not dead, and the magpie books look really cool.

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I've been meaning to email you about a certain something I asked you to hold for me. Do you still read emails even when caught by the focus monster?

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Aug 23Author

Honestly...no. I tend to forget the world exists entirely. But! I'll remember if I know something's coming. :)

(And I still have said thing, btw. It's set aside with your name on it.) :D

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Let me do some checking on things, abs then I'll email you. Depending on what's there, it could be tge first week of September, but I will send one. (Or more, perhaps. 😉)

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