I'm catching up on Substack, and nodded enthusiastically as I read this. Really, age is WEIRD. In my case, I'm still concerned that when Facebook abruptly shut down my account, some long-ago classmates (and other friends?) might think I'd died. Because yes, at a certain point, that seems to be A Thing that people talk about, rather than who got a promotion at work, or who just had their own show at a super-cool art gallery.

It's like morbid stuff seeps into people's brains, even before Social Security kicks in. Or something. Very, VERY weird.

(Speaking of classmates: One of my epic high school moments was when a very weird biology teacher, who seemed fixated on me, asked me - in front of the entire class - if I was "a knob-twiddler." I'm pretty sure he meant something about changing TV channels a lot - or at least I hope he did - but that's not what my classmates assumed. Ahem. Don't even ask how often that was referenced when people signed my high school yearbook. * sigh and chuckle * )

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So much to relate to in this post - and how, I ask you HOW, is it now about to be 40 years since I graduated high school? Because I swear I’m NOT OLD. Except for the days when oh my dog, I really, really am.

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My track coach once told me I light up a room just by leaving it 😂

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🤣 I have no idea if anyone at any of my schools would remember me - although one of my music teachers routinely referred to me as “The LOUD one”🤣

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