This is amazing! I'm so excited to see what you do with your wild clay! Apropos of everything, I deactivated my FB today for the first time ever and I am excited to see what I do with the time.

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It may be more red when you fire it! I collected wild clay a few years ago and when we fired it, it looked like terracotta!💕

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LOL Looks like the mounds in my neighbor's field left by his cows.

But yay! You made clay!!! That's so awesome.

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Oh dang I want to do this so bad!

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I really enjoy reading about /listening to your nerdiness 😊

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Most of southeast Michigan is clay. The rest of it is sand.

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I haven't gotten around to making my own clay yet. It's on the list, though, right above making a magnet out of iron in the soil.

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I love Ollie ❤️ 😍 . And yay for clay! Whatcha gonna make?

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