There aren't words for how much I'm looking forward to ants in stylish outfits....

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I went with female-presenting ants in 1890s garb, too. With various ant crimes by rebel antchicks.


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Oh my god you know the dark story world I RP in is ~1890s, I can't wait to share the link!

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Hyperfocus for the win! ❤️

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Right?! It's like a superpower, but with 86% less spandex.

(Unless you count the fleece-lined leggings, which are more lycra than spandex, but YKWIM.). :D

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1. Those pencils are now on my Wish List. "He" better be paying attention. Just saying.

2. Did I miss an opportunity to purchase these zines?

3. Re ants...

"Aphids produce a sweet, sugar-rich substance called honeydew and the ants "milk" aphids by stroking their abdomens with their antennae to get the honeydew.

Ants protect aphids from predators and parasites. They also herd aphids to the juiciest parts of plants and carry them into their nests at night and for winter."

Fuckers. As a gardener? Not a big fan of ants. 😡

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Okay. I think I've got a new 'crime' for one of my rogues... :D

Also, they're really good pencils. LISTEN UP "HIM".

Alsoalso: I'm compiling each volume's zine pages and plan to put them together in groups to keep printing costs reasonable. I'll definitely let everybody know when the compiled volumes are ready. (And I might just put them up as PDFs for folks, too, in the interim. Still hammering out details.)

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You keep making amazing art I need. In this case the art cards will go to a beer-loving friend. Once they are available.

Loving this project. Keep going!

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Thank you! I just got done writing the story of Silas P. Steinbrook and his magical Ale brewery. Apparently, in 1890, the Aleworks was the most famous brewery in most of the Americas, thanks to his mysterious concoctions that not only tasted good, but would bring back lost cats and find lost love letters and, in one case, made a guy win the lottery.

This is *so* much fun. :D

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