So, being a guy, I have solutions. J seems like a creative guy.
Turning a refrigerator into a Michael Jackson style bed might help.
The other is laying seinge to the government weather control facility and turning the Texas thermostat down....that might have global consequences but, hey.
Seriously, try to have fun with it it and see it as a new adventure that may feed your creativity, as well as some good TexMex
I’m so wishing you the very best that can be wished! I have visited SA as a teen and loved the potential of arts there that I saw from that pre-budding age even! It would be scary and I totally get the sky monsters for you, still in the area myself, but potential for new adventures lay waiting. I am going to cheer you on despite the dread, fear, heat and love of where you are because you are a survivor and I believe in you! You survived sky monsters…you are practically sub-human! Seriously I hear your fear, I’ll be your help if you need, I hate heat and all things new too, but I did it alone in Arizona! Didn’t know a soul! Met the best people accidentally and thrived! I believe if I can do it you can too!
You will literally get to go to Nowhere! I'm kinda jelly. I can understand the fear honestly, I felt it too when you said where. I too am stuck inside from march to November..for fear of dehydration and turning into a giant lobster.
I'm sure you'll be able to find all kinds of fun stuff to explore though.
I'll wave to you from the other side of the gulf.. from my place in the swamp lol.
Not being any kind of hothouse flower, I feel for you. However, being an innately curious soul, I feel sure you will discover all the very best things about living in Texas. I’ll be cheering you on from a chilly damp corner of Dartmoor in England.
Having lived in Texas twice now (as my husband says, "for my sins"), you have my sympathy. There are some cool communities outside of Austin... where people migrated when Austin stopped being weird (the good kind). I've yet to visit the Magnolia Pearl HQ, but there may be some fun/interesting people connected with that deliciously weird fashion line, too.
I'm sad you need to leave your heart home. You were one of only a very few, now, reasons to visit back there.
However, I have some very dear friends down in New Mexico and a couple in Texas and Arizona. I guess this means I'll have another reason for a trip south!
Actually do not like like but support you.
Big change for sure! Sending love for all the emotions and for Porkchop to befriend Beyonce and by that I mean the chicken. (rooster?) xx
So, being a guy, I have solutions. J seems like a creative guy.
Turning a refrigerator into a Michael Jackson style bed might help.
The other is laying seinge to the government weather control facility and turning the Texas thermostat down....that might have global consequences but, hey.
Seriously, try to have fun with it it and see it as a new adventure that may feed your creativity, as well as some good TexMex
I’m so wishing you the very best that can be wished! I have visited SA as a teen and loved the potential of arts there that I saw from that pre-budding age even! It would be scary and I totally get the sky monsters for you, still in the area myself, but potential for new adventures lay waiting. I am going to cheer you on despite the dread, fear, heat and love of where you are because you are a survivor and I believe in you! You survived sky monsters…you are practically sub-human! Seriously I hear your fear, I’ll be your help if you need, I hate heat and all things new too, but I did it alone in Arizona! Didn’t know a soul! Met the best people accidentally and thrived! I believe if I can do it you can too!
This Oklahoma move i just did was made infinitely easier by 1-800-PackRat.
Sending you all the good woo possible. 💜✌🏻
You will literally get to go to Nowhere! I'm kinda jelly. I can understand the fear honestly, I felt it too when you said where. I too am stuck inside from march to November..for fear of dehydration and turning into a giant lobster.
I'm sure you'll be able to find all kinds of fun stuff to explore though.
I'll wave to you from the other side of the gulf.. from my place in the swamp lol.
I wish you luck and safe journeys on your move.
Not being any kind of hothouse flower, I feel for you. However, being an innately curious soul, I feel sure you will discover all the very best things about living in Texas. I’ll be cheering you on from a chilly damp corner of Dartmoor in England.
I am sorry you need to leave one of your heart places. I hope your move goes smoothly and that your new home end up being ok.
Having lived in Texas twice now (as my husband says, "for my sins"), you have my sympathy. There are some cool communities outside of Austin... where people migrated when Austin stopped being weird (the good kind). I've yet to visit the Magnolia Pearl HQ, but there may be some fun/interesting people connected with that deliciously weird fashion line, too.
Texas can be a nice place. You can put the umbrellas away for most of the year 😁
Dear One,
I'm sad you need to leave your heart home. You were one of only a very few, now, reasons to visit back there.
However, I have some very dear friends down in New Mexico and a couple in Texas and Arizona. I guess this means I'll have another reason for a trip south!